Captain Ferguson's Company
Royal Welch Fusiliers in America

Greetings Fellow Fusiliers! Events for 2024 so far are:
Camden, SC
Nov. 9 & 10
More information and events will be posted as they become available.
Still looking for those interested in going. the Van is ready to go. Would like to have at least 3 to 4 drivers. So far we have 2.
Huntington Beach
Revolution in the Orchard
We can set up Thursday April 24th, There will be a school day for kids on Friday the 25th. The actual event is 26-27 April.
Possible event in San Diego TBD sponsored by the SAR​
Uniform Purchases
In preparation for 2025, Fusiliers in need of proper kit. A new revised list of vendors have been compiled.
CHECK WITH CAPTAIN MACK or Serjeant LeMay to obtain this list
Don’t buy the wrong items by going to an unauthorized merchant.

Company News
Royal Welch Fusiliers in America,
Captain Joseph Ferguson's Company of Fusiliers web site.
Commemorating the service of the 23rd Regiment of Foot during the American Revolution. Fighting in nearly every major campaign (except Burgoyne’s), from Lexington and Concord in 1775, through Yorktown in 1781, the 23rd Foot was one of the premier regiments of the Crown Forces in North America. Members are located in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and California. The 23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers is a non-profit educational organization.
Captain's Corner​: Captain Joseph Ferguson is portraied by George Mack.

Effective 01 March 2022
Captain George Mack has
been promoted to Major of
the Regiment
When you begin to obtain your Uniforms and Gear. Here are the guidelines:
YOUR FIRST OBLIGATION IS YOUR FIRELOCK! This is what you need first off. And you need to clear your purchase with the Company Commander before your purchase.
First Priority Items to purchase:
1. Shirt
2. Neckstock
3. Waistcoat
4. Breeches
5. Stockings
6. Thin Garters
7. Shoes with Buckle
These items are your small clothes.
Second Priority Items to purchase:
8. Full Gaiters
9. Garters with buckle
10. Half Gaiters
11. Gaiter Trousers
12. Military Cocked Hat
13. Haversack
14. Canteen
Third Priority Items to purchase
15. Regimental Coat
16. 2nd Model Brown Bess
17. Sling, Swivels, Flash Guard, Stall
18. Bayonet, Scabbard, Belt, Buckle
19. Cartouche Box and Badge Device
20. Whisk and Pick
21. Bearskin and Wig
Always go through approved sources. Any deviation can result in waisted expenditures.